Four things you should do in Vienna in May!

The spring is a fantastic time to visit Vienna, and May is the nicest of the three spring months. It is warm in the air, but not too warm. It might rain a little bit, but not much, meaning that you can normally spend your days outside without worrying about dark clouds and getting wet (you should check the weather forecast just to be sure). Are there any special activities that you should enjoy as you come to Vienna in May?

We have compiled a list of four activities that you should try in Vienna in May. The list could have been much longer, but since we know that our generation is used to TikTok and short videos, we decided to make the article shorter so that you will not leave the article before you have read about our four recommended activities.

Do not forget that these activities are fantastic all year around (mostly), but they are even nicer on a sunny day in May. If you want more recommendations about what to do in Vienna, look at our list of activities and attractions in Vienna. If you want to read more about upcoming concerts, events, exhibitions, festivals, and running competitions in Vienna, look at our page what “What’s happening in Vienna.”

You should do the following if you come to Vienna in May!

Here you have some suggestions. I must admit that my palm is sweating a little bit right now, because the first activity is awesome if you like heights. If you don’t, then your palm might start to sweat soon even thinking about this activity.

Prater Tower – Enjoy the view sitting in a chair 117 meter above the ground.

Doesn’t it sound fantastic to sit in a chair 117 meters above the ground enjoying the view of Vienna? Honestly, it doesn’t sound nice to me, because it sounds terrifying. Still, if you like heights and the adrenaline, then this is a perfect way to get one of the must stunning views of Vienna from above at one of the coolest places in the city. Prater is an area very similar to a typical amusement park, but you can enter the area for free… you only pay for the activities that you want to use.

Prater Turm
It doesn’t look that scary from below, does it?
View from the top.
Not the best quality here, my palms are sweating! But, you can enjoy a fantastic if you decide to try this activity.

I guess there are two kinds of people reading this article right one. Some are thinking that this looks awesome, while the other group is saying that they will never ever try this. No matter what, there are lots of other, much “nicer” activities waiting for you in Prater, so look around, and you will find something suitable for you. Another activity with a less impressing view is the famous Riesenrad (Ferris Wheel) which was featured in a James Bond movie many, many years ago.

Let’s get back on the ground and look at the three other activities you should try in Vienna in May!

Take a break in Hofburg / Volksgarten / Burggarten.

As you walk up and down the streets of Vienna, you need to have a break. Why don’t you stop as you come to Hofburg? Hofburg is surrounded by two parks and those are both beautiful if you want to relax, look at beautiful flowers, or eat a picnic outside. Nowadays many people play Spikeball, also referred to as “round net”, in these park areas, but it is also perfect if you want to play cards or read a good book. The beauty of it all is that while you are in Volksgarten you can enjoy the view towards the City Hall and Hofburg (and much more), giving you a majestic view while hiding from all the traffic and the busy people of Vienna.

I should also mention that these green areas are in the center of Vienna. You don’t have to walk for hours to get to these parks, but they are places you will walk by as you discover the city center of Vienna no matter what. So why don’t you stop by a grocery store to buy some snacks and something to drink and spend some hours outdoor just lying down in the grass, eating, reading, and having a good time?

The view towards Hofburg from the entrance to Volksgarten.
The view towards Hofburg from the entrance to Volksgarten.
People playing Spikeball (the picture isn’t from Vienna).

Now you have even more to look forward to. Which are the two remaining activities we recommend you to try in Vienna in May?

Explore the city after sunset!

Vienna is a city with beautiful buildings and that is why it is a joy to walk in the city center during daytime to see historical palaces and other important buildings. But, even though the sun goes down doesn’t mean that it gets boring… rather the opposite. There are numerous buildings in Vienna that is bathing in lights in the evenings after sunset, making the city even more gorgeous. As a result, you shouldn’t go to bed early, instead you should put on some good shoes and walk around the city. A great place to start is by Belvedere, and then walk towards the city center and look at all the beautiful buildings and famous attractions as they are illuminated. You should be happy that you no longer travel with the old-fashioned camera with which you could only make 24 or 32 pictures per film, because it would get full quickly as you discover how beautiful the city of Vienna is by night.

Above you can see some pictures portraying Vienna by night, all from Pixabay. One of the pictures portray what the City Hall is like in November and December during the annual Christmas markets. The building is beautifully illuminated all year around in the evenings, but it is even more fantastic in the last months before Christmas. You can also see the Gloriette from Schönbrunn in one of the pictures, the mighty Karlskirche, the Belvedere palace, and the well-known Wiener Musikverein, the location of the annual New Year’s concert in Vienna.

Which is the last fantastic activity waiting for you in Vienna in May?

Spend a day in Schönbrunn!

Schönbrunn is one of the most popular places in Vienna, and that is for a reason. The castle itself is a beauty and if you want to get a glimpse of royal life in Austria, this is a spectacular place to go. There are tours available that will take you inside the castle, and there are other programs in which you can eat traditional Viennese strudel and other delights inside the palace. But, on a sunny day, why spend so much time inside when the palace has a beautiful park?

A great way to get an overview of the park is by traveling with the Panoramabahn. If you like to walk a lot, then you can skip the train, but if you like the sound of being transported around the park area to get an overview, the train is a perfect way to get an introduction to the park. You can listen to an audio guide in German, English, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew, Polish, and French to learn more about what you see along the way.

As you can see, it isn’t a real train, but it is still a fantastic way to visit the different corners of the park. When you are finished, you can start exploring on your own. One of the nicest areas in the Schönbrunn Park on a day in May is the zoo. This is one of the oldest zoological gardens in Europe, and you can see rare animals, walk surrounded by bats, and do other cool stuff as you walk around. Are you more interested in flowers? The park is taken well care of, so you will feel like in a botanical garden, especially in the area between the Schönbrunn Palace and the Gloriette.

Once again, bring some snacks and something to drink, and spend hours walking around and enjoying the fresh air of Schönbrunn and the park behind the palace with all it has to offer. If you come here earlier, do not miss out on the yearly Easter market arranged at Schönbrunn, and if you come before Christmas, then you probably know that one of the most famous Christmas markets in Vienna is arranged here.

Have I managed to inspire you?

Have I managed to inspire you and to give you some ideas with this article? I hope I have, but if you have even more ideas, or some feedback, please use the comment field below. I would love to hear from you.

Do not forget that you can read much more about all sorts of attractions, museums, activities, public transportation, and about ongoing and upcoming programs here in our Vienna Guide. If you like running, there are also quite a lot of running competitions in Vienna in May which you can read more about in our Vienna calendar.

In other words, you are destined to have a wonderful time as you visit Vienna in May!

The Top Events in Vienna in 2024

What’s happening in Vienna in 2024? Which are the biggest and most important events that you need to remember? It will all depend greatly on your interests, but this article tries to give you information about the most important concerts, festivals, markets, and sports events in Vienna in 2024. Are you ready?

2024 is going to be a fantastic year. There are lots of things happening around the world, and even if it doesn’t take place in Vienna or in Austria, the Summer Olympics in Paris will greatly impact life also in Vienna. Why is that? There will be places where you can see all the events from the Summer Olympics, both inside restaurants and cafes, but also outdoors where you can watch with hundreds of others. And what might be even more interesting to locals is the European Championship in football which takes place in Germany this summer. With Austria among the top teams in the tournament, it will be lots of people out all across Vienna cheering for their players and hoping that Austria will do better than ever before in a European Championship in football.

But, let us return to the city of Vienna and all the awesome things that will happen in the city this year. We will list quite a lot of events, and not necessarily in chronological order. In other words, look through the entire article to find out if any of these events are of interest to you or not.

The highlights in Vienna in 2024

First of all, August is going to be one crazy month in Vienna. It is the month in which the Summer Olympics takes place in Paris, but it will also bring tens of thousands of people to Vienna. Why is that? We can look forward to concerts with the most popular singer in the world at the moment and several concerts with what might be the most popular band in the world currently.

Coldplay concerts in Vienna

We can look forward to four fantastic concerts with Coldplay at Ernst Happel Stadium in August. There are so many cities in Europe that would have loved to host such concerts, but we are extremely lucky to have Vienna as one of them. That is why there will be people coming from all across Europe to Vienna because Coldplay will not come to their countries in 2024. But, what an awesome opportunity to watch and experience the beautiful city of Vienna, and music from the most popular band in the world at the moment. Maybe you should come to Vienna as well for one of the Coldplay concerts?

coldplay in vienna

The first Coldplay concert in on August 21 and the last is on August 25.

Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna

A few weeks before Coldplay comes to Vienna, the person who was chosen as “Person of the Year” by TIME Magazine in 2023 will come to Vienna. Taylor Swift, the most popular singer in the world at the moment, will perform at the Ernst Happel Stadium as well (just like Coldplay) and the stadium will be full every single evening. She started writing songs at the age of 12 and had her big breakthrough at the age of 16. She has a background as a country singer, but today she is more of a pop artist who knows how to use her voice and how to move her body. Many of her songs on Spotify have been played more than 1,500,000,000 times, and her videos on YouTube are just as popular.

The Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna come as a part of her big international tour that started in 2023. If you are unable to be there at one of the Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna, then you can watch the movie “Taylor Swift – Era Tour” which is a cinema version of the concert.

Taylor Swift concert in Vienna

The first Taylor Swift concert at the Ernst Happel Stadium is on August 8 and the last concert is on August 10.

Other concerts in Vienna

There will be lots of other concerts in Vienna in 2024 besides the Coldplay and Taylor Swift concerts, but none can compare the to size and popularity of those concerts. If you want to read more about other concerts in Vienna, look at our Vienna calendar to find out more about what’s going on in Vienna.

But, we can mention some of the artists coming to Vienna in 2024 besides Taylor Swift and Coldplay, for example;

  • Andre Rieu
  • Sepultura
  • Picture This
  • Ehrlich Brothers
  • Wanda
  • Die Fantastischen Vier
  • Scooter
  • and many others…

No year without the classical Easter and Christmas markets in Vienna.

It might sound like a joke, but the annual Christmas markets might be the most popular event in Vienna every single year. Tens of thousands of people travel to Vienna to drink hot wine, eat sausage, drink some more wine, buy all sorts of things they don’t need, and to see how beautiful the city of Vienna is with the magnificent lights on in the evening.

Vienna is a magical city in November and December and it is stunning after sunset. When they turn on the lights on the Christmas market at Rathausplatz, and the City Hall itself is illuminated… it is hard to describe it with words. It is fantastic, and there are probably millions of pictures taken in front of this Christmas market every year by visitors.

christmas markets in vienna
A photo from the Christmas market in front of the City Hall in Vienna – Shutterstock / Burben

The Christmas markets in Vienna normally open in the middle of November and they remain open until some days after Christmas. Some markets remain open until the start of January. Besides the Christmas market at Rathausplatz, it is worth walking around the inner city which is dressed in Christmas magic. You should also visit Schönbrunn, the magnificent castle with a gigantic park. Not only will you be able to enjoy the Christmas market, but you can discover the palace from the inside, and you can walk for hours in the park. If you want to bring kids along, you should also visit the zoo which is located in the park of the palace.

And yes, the annual Easter market by Schönbrunn is one more popular event that brings thousands of people to Vienna. It might not be as big and as well-known as the Christmas markets, but it is still a valid excuse to visit Schönbrunn and Vienna during your Easter holidays.

Exhibitions in the Museum of Fine Arts

Vienna has several magnificent museums. The most famous of them all is the Museum of Fine Arts, also known as Kunsthistorisches Museum. The permanent exhibitions in the museum are astonishing, but a good temporary exhibitions gives an additional excuse to visit Vienna.

There will be several temporary exhibitions in the museum in 2024 worth visiting, and the most interesting exhibitions are:

  • Holbein. Burgkmair. Dürer (Renaissance in the North), from March 19
  • Rembrandt – Hoogstraten (Color and Illusion), from October 24
Stephansdom in Vienna
An AI made painting of the Stephansdom in Vienna created in the style of Rembrandt.

Besides the Museum of Fine Arts, you should also look into temporary and permanent exhibitions in popular museums such as:

  • Museum of Natural History.
  • Hundertwasser House.
  • Albertina Museum
  • Leopold Museum
  • Vienna Science Museum
  • Sigmund Freud Museum.

There are lots of running competitions in Vienna.

Just like one wouldn’t expect a Christmas market to bring tens of thousands of people to a city, you probably didn’t think of all the running competitions in a city to bring thousands of tourists to a city. That is wrong! The big marathons and running competitions are so popular that people travel for hours by car, train, and plane to partake. Vienna is a city with lots of running competitions, and even though the biggest is the Vienna Marathon, there are plenty of competitions for those who aren’t capable of running a full marathon.

There are running competitions all year around, but the highest density is in the autumn and December. In this period, you can run night running competitions, half-marathons, running competitions for women, New Year’s running competitions, advent running competitions and so much more.

If you like to run, then you should definitely combine your trip to Vienna with a running competition of some sort. If you don’t like running (yet), then it is time to prepare, and use it as an excuse to visit Vienna in 2024.

vienna trail run

There are also running competitions that will take you out into the wild where you will run up and down in a green environment. An example of such a competition is the annual Vienna Trail Run.

Celebrating Vienna!

There are a couple of celebrations worth paying attention to if you want to celebrate with locals in Vienna. One of these celebrations is the annual Lichterfest that takes place on the Alte Donau Insel (Old Danube Island). It is normally arranged late in July and on this evening you can enjoy the sky above Vienna filled with beautiful fireworks.

Another event that celebrates Vienna is Wiener Festwochen. This isn’t an event for just an evening, but instead it lasts for more than a month and it comes with fantastic concerts and other cultural programs. Many cities in Europe arrange spring festivals, and this is what many would refer to as the Vienna Spring Festival. The opening program is arranged in front of the City Hall, and it is a spectacular concert at one of the most beautiful locations in Vienna. If you are interested in cultural programs such as theater performances, classical music concerts, and more, then this might be for you!

wiener festwochen
It feels like this at the opening concert of Wiener Festwochen in Vienna.

These are some of the coolest events that will happen in Vienna in 2024. But, there are lots of other programs that you should check out as well as you come to Vienna (available all year around). Keep on reading to get some recommendations.

Programs and events available in Vienna the entire year.

As we already mentioned, there are fantastic museums in Vienna that you should visit, no matter when you come to Vienna. They have brilliant permanent exhibitions, and you don’t need a temporary exhibition for these museums to be interesting.

Maybe you don’t want to go to a museum, but you should still visit the Dunauturm (Danube Tower). Here you can enjoy a great view in all directions, and if you want a location for a romantic breakfast, lunch, or dinner, this is the place!

The aquarium and the zoo of Vienna are two locations that both young and old love. The aquarium is indoor, meaning it is wonderful throughout the year, and especially on rainy and cold days in Vienna when you don’t feel like spending too much time outdoors. Would you like even more adrenaline, then travel with the metro to Praterstern and visit the Prater area. Here you can enjoy rollercoasters and other programs that will give you an adrenaline boost. This is also where you can find the legendary Riesenrad, frequently featured on images and postcards from Vienna.

Riesenrad in Prater

If you haven’t been to this part of Europe before and you have several days in Vienna, then you could also consider a day-trip to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. It is easy to visit the city by boat, which means that you get to experience a trip on the Danube, and another European capital with the same program. If you want to stay within Austria, then one of the most popular locations in Austria among tourists is the beautiful Hallstatt. There are many daytrips to Hallstatt from Vienna, so if that is of interest to you, check it out.

The pictures above are from Hallstatt. Looks nice like a nice place to visit, doesn’t it? You can even combine it with climbing mountains and a fantastic view if you decide to climb any of the mountains surrounding Hallstatt.

If you decide to stay in Vienna, do not forget that the Spanish Riding School has programs in which you can see horse shows throughout the year. This is located in Hofburg, which means you get to see one of the most beautiful palaces in Vienna while enjoying the programs.

In the end, do not forget that you need energy to enjoy all these programs in Vienna. The apple strudel is a famous delight from Austria, but that is only a dessert or a sweet served next to your cup of coffee. There are many other cakes as well, so if you are into sweets, visit a confectionary to enjoy life.

When you are ready to eat a warm meal, the traditional Wiener schnitzel is a must-eat in Vienna. You can find this in traditional Viennese restaurants. If you want exclusive food, then Vienna has several restaurants with Michelin stars. Do not forget to reserve your table very early if you want to dine in any of these restaurants.

Restaurants with Michelin stars in Vienna:

  • Amador (3 stars)
  • Tian (1 star)
  • Silvio Nickol Gourmet (2 stars)
  • Konstantin Filippou (2 stars)
  • Edvard (1 star)
  • Steiereck im Stadtpark (2 stars)
  • Apron (1 star)
  • Pramerl & The Wolf (1 star)
  • Mraz & Sohn (2 stars)
  • [aend] (1 star)

Good appetite!

We hope this article has given you suggestions for what you should do in Vienna in 2024 and maybe when you should come to Vienna in 2024. If you have tips and advice about other programs and activities in Vienna, use the comment field below and share your thoughts!

How can I travel to Schönbrunn by public transportation?

One of the highlights of any trip to Vienna is Schönbrunn. Many people think of Schönbrunn as a royal palace, and that is true. But to think that Schönbrunn only is a royal palace is a big mistake. The palace has a beautiful garden where you can walk up and down for hours while enjoying beautiful trees, colorful flowers, and a glorious view from the Gloriette.. You thought that was all? Don’t forget that Schönbrunn has the oldest zoo in Europe. It was established in the middle of the 18th century, and you can see pandas, lions, tigers, and many other exotic animals there. In other words, you have hundreds of reasons to visit Schönbrunn. But, how can you travel to Schönbrunn using public transportation? And is it worth using single tickets, or is it better to travel using a daily card?

You can find lots of information about public transportation in Vienna here in our Vienna Guide. If you click the link, you can read more about pricing for the public transportation and you can also take a look at a detailed metro map showing all the metro lines of the Austrian capital.

Should I buy single tickets or a ticket for 24 hours?

As this article is published, the price of a single ticket for public transportation is 2,40 euros, while the price of a day ticket is 8 euros. In other words, if you travel three times, it is cheaper to travel with single tickets than with a daily pass. If you only plan on using public transportation to travel between the city center of Vienna and Schönbrunn, and then travel back in the same way, then you only need two tickets, and single tickets are the cheapest solution.

How to travel to Schönbrunn?

The easiest and most convenient way to travel to Schönbrunn is by using the metro system in Vienna. It is extremely easy to understand and the green line (U4) takes you directly to Schönbrunn. This line has stops at several central locations in Vienna, including Karlsplatz and Schwedenplatz. This metro line intersects with all the other metro lines in Vienna, which means you can change between the lines easily if you need to use another metro before you get to the green line. It is good to know that one ticket is enough for your entire trip in the metro system, meaning you can change lines without validating a new ticket.

travel to schonrbunn with metro

This information makes you capable of traveling to Schönbrunn using public transportation in Vienna. It is useful to know that you need to walk approximately 400 meters from the metro station to the gate of Schönbrunn. This shouldn’t cause problems for most people, but it is worth knowing about before your arrival.

Two more reasons to visit Schönbrunn.

We have told you about the fantastic palace, the garden, the trees, the flowers, the zoo, and several other reasons to visit Schönbrunn. But, there are two reasons that make this area even more popular around Christmas and Easter… the annual Christmas market and the annual Easter market. These are fantastic events where you can buy traditional Austrian food and handmade souvenir in a fantastic environment. It looks stunning all day, but especially in the evening as the palace is illuminated and the Christmas market stalls (and the Easter market stalls) are illuminated.

The dates for the Christmas markets in 2022 and the Easter market in 2023 are here!

Are you planning a trip to Vienna before Christmas this year? Or maybe an Easter trip to Vienna in 2023? We have now published the dates for the Christmas markets in 2022 and for the Easter market in 2023 here in our Vienna Guide.

We haven’t updated our Vienna Guide frequently in recent years, mostly due to COVID. But, now that life is returning to normal, it is time to welcome tourists to Vienna once again.

Are you ready for a trip to the spectacular and wonderful city of Vienna?

The earliest Christmas markets in Vienna will open on November 11th, while the biggest and most popular markets at the Rathausplatz and at Scönbrunn will open one week later.

Most markets will remain open until December 23rd or December 26th, but the Schönbrunn market will turn into a New Years Market after Christmas and remain open until January 4th in 2023.

What about the Easter market?

Two and a half months after the New Years Market at Schönbrunn has closed, it is time for the Easter Market that will open on March 25th in 2023. This will remain open for 1 1/2 weeks, and it is a fantastic way to enjoy a market with a nice atmosphere, combined with the wonderful surroundings of the Schönbrunn castle!

Would you like to know more about these events?

We wish you a pleasant stay in Vienna!

Easter market 2025

Are you in for an overdose of Easter bunnies and other fun? Then you should head to Vienna for Easter as they have arranged a special Easter Market in the Schönbrunn Palace area.

The Easter market by Schönbrunn is Vienna’s most famous and popular Easter market. But there are some other markets worth mentioning as well. Let us start with the most important.

Easter market at Schönbrunn

As in every year, the Easter Market will provide the best programs for the visitors and the Easter Market will take place in the beautiful baroque surroundings of Schönbrunn Palace, hosting the best program of the season. The market will be fully decorated with Easter eggs, candles, and flowers which will all represent the unique atmosphere of this special feast.

At the market, various tempting food stalls will be packed fully with traditional Easter dishes, including ham and eggs in every variation and freshly prepared Austrian snacks. Apart from the delicious Austrian dishes, various crafted products such as ceramics, glasswork, and wooden toys for children will also be available. The Easter Market will also give a home to some Jazz concerts and various programs for children and adults.

Easter Market Schönbrunn Vienna 2025

Address: Schönbrunn Palace, Schönbrunner Schloßstraße 47, 1130 Wien, Austria
Dates: April 5, 2025 – April 22, 2024

How to get to Schönbrunn?

  • Take the U4 subway line (Green Line) from downtown Vienna heading towards Hütteldorf. Get off at Schönbrunn Station, which is only a few minutes walk from the palace.
  • Alternatively, you can take the tram lines 10 or 58 from the city center to Schönbrunn. Both tram lines stop at Schönbrunn Palace.
  • If you prefer to take the bus, you can take the 10A bus from Karlsplatz to Schönbrunn Palace. The bus stop is located near the main entrance to the palace.

If you first visit Schönbrunn, do not miss out on the other programs available at the location. Walk around in the castle gardens, join a tour inside the castle, or bring your kids along and visit the fantastic zoo.

Looking for a place to stay near Schönbrunn?

Would you like to get to the Easter market at Schönbrunn without using public transportation or walking for hours? Look at the map below to find great accommodation options near the Easter market at Schönbrunn.

Easter market at Freyung & Hof.

These are two Easter markets very close to one another. You will find Christmas markets at both locations before Christmas, and even though the Easter markets might not feel as majestic and impressive as the Easter markets, they are still worth visiting.

You can easily get here as you walk from Stephansplatz along Graben, then continue along Bognergasse. This is a fantastic walk in itself and you will see fantastic shops and in Bognergasse you will meet a lot of luxurious stores. But, don’t spend your money there. Wait until you arrive at the Easter markets at Hof and Freyung.

ornamented eggs

What should you buy at these markets? The market at Freyung is primarily known for its wide selection of eggs. Here you can buy beautifully looking eggs made in a way that makes them easy to hang in the window as you travel home. This might be the closest you will get to an authentic Easter market. It should be mentioned that Freyung isn’t a big square like Hof, nor is the area in front of Schönbrunn. It feels more like a misshaped square; you wouldn’t expect anything to be located here. Still, it is a lovely area to visit.

If you’d rather eat eggs than use them as decorations, you will also find marzipan eggs and other egg-formed snacks at the different Easter markets in Vienna.

Vienna Christmas Markets in 2019

When are the Christmas markets opening in Vienna in 2019? What are the dates for the Christmas markets? Find answers to the most popular Vienna Christmas market questions and get other useful information needed to be well prepared!

Vienna is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and it becomes even more beautiful before Christmas. It has the most amazing Christmas markets in the world, and the biggest secret is that the entire city kind-of turns into a Christmas market. But, when will the Christmas markets be arranged in Vienna in 2019?

Merry Christmas Vienna
The Christmas markets in Vienna – S. Borisov / Shutterstock

About the Christmas markets in Vienna in 2019

The dates for the Christmas markets in Vienna in 2019 are now ready and official. Read on, and plan your trip to Vienna immediately.

If you have some time left, why not consider a day trip to Prague in which you can enjoy the Christmas markets in the Czech capital as well? You can read more about those Christmas markets here.

Vienna Christmas markets 2019 dates

The Christmas market at Rathausplatz (the most famous market)

November 15th – December 24th

The Spittelberg market (an awesome market in small streets)

November 14th – December 23rd

The Schönbrunn Christmas market dates in 2019

This is supposed to open on November 23rd and it will remain open until December 26th. Then it will be replaced by the so-called New Years’ market which is open until the first week of January 2020.

These are the most important Christmas markets in Vienna, but do not forget – there are lots of other markets as well. As you walk to the Maria-Theresien Platz (between the two awesome museums) you will find another Christmas market. If you keep on walking towards the Karlskirche, you will find another market. In the popular Prater area, you will discover yet another Christmas market, in fact, you will find small and large Christmas markets almost wherever you go in Vienna.

What are you waiting for? Plan your stay in Vienna, book your flight tickets and book your hotel straight away!

Easter Market in Vienna 2017

Are you ready for the Easter Market in Vienna 2017? Looking for the Easter market dates for 2017? Read on for info about the Schönbrunn Easter Market 2017.

The annual Schönbrunn Easter Market in 2017 will be arranged for the 15th time and the dates are set to be April 1st till April 17th. Those are the dates and the time period in which you should come to Vienna in 2017 if you want to see beautiful eggs, let your children partake in cool workshops and if you want to do some nice shopping in something quite similar to the annual Christmas markets in Vienna, but still with a feeling of spring and Easter to it.

SChonnbrunn Easter Market 2017

Easter Market in Vienna 2017

Schönbrunn Easter Market: April 1st – April 17th

If you like Easter markets then you will also find similar, but bigger Easter markets in Prague. If you decide to travel after Easter then you could consider Budapest instead, because there the market opens just around Easter and remains open for about one month after Easter, making it a perfect Spring fair.

Have fun and enjoy your trip to Vienna. If you have comments or questions, just write them down!


Christmas Market in Vienna 2015

Christmas Market ViennaThe annual Christmas markets are soon back to Vienna this year again. From the end of November and the beginning of December the official Christmas period starts which means that the different part of the city turns into beautiful Christmas villages and fairs with the various Christmas lights and decorations.

Like in every year this year´s Christmas fairs will offer the best hand made high quality Christmas goodies. So which are the best Christmas markets in Vienna in 2015?

Probably one of the most popular and famous fair in Vienna is the Christkindlmarkt at Rathausplatz, the fair will open its gates from 13th November 2015 to 26th December 2015 every day from ten in the morning until ten in the evening except on 24th December when the market is only open until 7 in the evening.

The other really popular market in Vienna is the Christmas Village / New Year´s Eve Village which will take place at the Maria Theresien Platz from 18th November to 31st December 2015. The fair is open from Sunday to Thursday from 11 in the morning until 9.30 in the evening and from Friday to Saturday from 11 in the morning until ten in the evening, on 24th December it is open until 4 in the afternoon and between the 25th and 30th it is open until 7.30 in the evening.

The market is situated between the Museum of Art History and Natural History. The last market we would like to mention is the Advent Market at Karlskirche. The Advent Market will be open from 20th November 2015 until 23rd December 2015 every day from noon to 8 in the evening. The market usually offers various children programs and workshops such as pony tracking.

And no not forget the Christmas market by Schonbrunn which will open on November 21st in 2015. It will last until December 26, but from December 27th the program will go on until January 3rd, but in this period they call it a New Years market. Have fun and enjoy!

Schönbrunn Christmas Market 2014

Schonbrunn ChristmasIn Vienna the Christmas Market will open its gates in 2014 again to the visitors. The Christmas Market Schloß Schönbrunn attracts around 1 million people every year from all over the world to come to Austria during the Advent period and get in the Christmas mood.

Each year the market’s popularity just grows and it became one of the most popular one in Europe. This year the Christmas Market will be held from the last weeks of November. At the Christmas Market visitors will have the chance to enjoy the handicraft markets and the best quality hot wines and Austrian foods as well. More than 80 exhibitors from Austria and other neighbor countries will present their traditional handicrafts and foods such as the Christmas decorations and the best hot wines, beers, sausages and several other specialties.

The Schloß Schönbrunn market gives a really special and unique Christmas atmosphere with its unusual setting and the great variety of handicrafts. The Christmas Market will take place at Schloß Schönbrunn in Vienna from 22nd of November until 26th December 2014. After the Christmas holiday from 27th December 2014. until 1st January 2015 there will be jazz concerts, children’s activities and other programs as well.

If you want to know more information on the Christmas Market check the following link.