Can I visit Zagreb on a day-trip from Vienna?

Visit Zagreb from Vienna

Are you coming to Vienna and considering opportunities for different day excursions? Can a day-trip to Zagreb be arranged from Vienna?

Vienna is a beautiful city, but if you have been there a couple of times, then you might consider visiting other cities and places not so far from Vienna. Can Zagreb be an example of such a destination? Maybe you have been inspired by the fact that Zagreb was just recommended as the number one destination to visit in Europe in 2017 by Lonely Planet?

Visit Zagreb from Vienna
Zagreb is a truly beautiful city. But, maybe a bit too far away from Vienna for a day trip… By Dreamer4787 / Shutterstock

Facts about the trip between Vienna and Zagreb

If you do the trip with a flight, it can be expected to last for about 50 minutes. It is a short travel when you go straight, but if you decide to go with a car instead the fastest road is totally 373km. On a day when traffic goes as normal and there are no special accidents or lines, then you should be able to cover this distance in about 4 hours. If you ask us, then 4 hours is a bit too much for a day-trip to Zagreb, and thus we would not recommend a day-trip to Zagreb from Vienna.

Where should you go on a day trip from Vienna then?

There are lots of destinations that can be reached on a day trip from Vienna much easier than Zagreb. What about Bratislava in Slovakia? The capital is less than an hour away from Vienna by car and can easily be reached. You can even travel by boat if you are lucky.

If you want to travel some more than a day trip to Salzburg can also be arranged quite easily, and if you want to go to the east, then Budapest is a capital only 250km from Vienna. Traveling on the highway you can reach Budapest in about 2,5 hours of driving if there is no trouble on the road.

What do you think? Where would you like to go on a day trip from Vienna?


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