Driving in Austria

Car rental in Austria
Car rental in Austria
Car rental in Austria

If you are coming to Austria and to Vienna, you might ask yourself the question if it is worth renting a car or not. We have good news to you, because Austrians drive in a very civilised way, meaning that it is not too scary to drive here. The highways are great and inside the big cities the traffic is also very nice, and easy to follow. If you go to Italy, or maybe do a Car Hire France, then you might experience that people blow their horns for nothing, they drive on red lights and it is simply scary to drive, at least if you are not used to that kind of traffic.

But, in Austria things are better and easier. People try to follow the rules, and if you do not follow them, then the cops willingly fine you. So, all in all, it is very safe to drive around in Austria and Vienna, but you should follow the rules. Most people coming to Austria arrive with their own car, or they come with a plane and arrive at Schwechat Airport. It is easy to travel with train or with a taxi from there to the city, but if you want to rent a car, that can also be arranged directly at the airport. There are several companies offering their services there, but in general it is advised to arrange with your car rental before arrival at the airport. Surf the net, use Google and look for information on companies offering car rentals at the airport in Vienna, and you will for sure found lots of sites offering such services. The good thing with lots of sites, is that you can look around, and make sure to find the one company giving you the best product, for the best price.

The airport in Vienna is by the way located 18km from Vienna, so if you were planning on walking the distance, you should rethink that, and maybe rent a car, or use public transportation instead.